Be in so clinical on, when flesh of diagnostic pear shape is asked for integratedly, want very discreet, must not with making conclusions gently. 所以在临床上,在诊断梨状肌综合征时,要十分慎重,切不可以轻下结论。
The parts of our DNA which may influence body shape, including the classic "apple" or "pear" shape in women, have been revealed. 人体DNA的某些部分可能会影响到体型,例如女士经典的“苹果型”“圆润型”体型。日前这些部分已被发现。
Nowadays, the shape of China social class structure looks like a pear, yet, there exists an intendance to turn to the pyramid-like social class structure shape. 现阶段中国社会阶层结构形态呈生梨型,它存在着向金字塔社会阶层结构形态演变的趋势。
Methods To treat cervical carcinoma with TPS superior scheme combining with isodose curve of rhombus shape, oval shape, cylinder shape and flat pear shape in()~ ( 60) Co afterloading machine. 方法60Co后装机用梭形、椭圆形、柱形、扁梨形等剂量曲线相结合的治疗计划系统(TPS)优化方案治疗宫颈癌。
Results: The corneal topograph on inferior part especially inferior temporal part of subclinical keratoconus showed pear shape. 结果:亚临床期圆锥角膜角膜下方尤其是颞下方的角膜镜影像呈梨形改变,变陡峭的圆锥区域均较局限。
Under different soil water conditions, daily change in net photosynthetic rate of young pear tree presents S shape, which rises to a peak at 8:00 am and appears a midday depression of photosynthesis at 12:00 am. 不同土壤水分条件下,幼龄梨树净光合速率日变化呈S形,在上午8时左右达到最大峰值,在12时左右出现光午休低谷,土壤水分缺失明显降低净光合速率。
SEM and TEM were used to characterize the morphology of carbon filament produced on Ni/ SiO2 serial catalyst. It was shown that Ni particles transform from pear shape to quasi hexahedron shape after Cu addition. 对Ni/SiO2系列催化剂上生成的碳纤维进行SEM和TEM表征,结果显示,Ni/SiO2催化剂中Cu的加入使反应过程中Ni金属颗粒变形为近似于正六面体结构,晶粒长大到80~100nm。
Around the fifth century, A pipa of Persian pear shape is introduced to Central Plains along Silk Road by the Western Regions, recreation and turning into a national musical instrument of genuine China gradually through the people of our country. 公元五世纪前后,波斯梨形曲项琵琶经西域沿丝绸之路传入中原,经过我国人民的再创造而逐渐演化为一件地道的华夏民族乐器。
The growth curves of golden pear showed an "S" shape. 黄金梨果实的生长动态曲线为S型。
Based on seven traits of Jinhua pear fruit quality ( sugar-acid ratio, total sugar, total acid, dissolved substance, vC, fruit shape index and fruit weight), several variation strains had been filtrated, which were fine. 以参评品种的糖酸比、总糖、总酸、可溶性固形物、vC、果形指数和单果重等7个因素为评价标准,从品质的角度筛选出了表现优良的几个品系。
In this reasearch, Korla fragrant pear was the test material, researching on photosynthetic characteristics and light distribution in crowns of different tree shape at different time. Determinating the fruit quality of two tree shape under different tree age condition. 本研究以库尔勒香梨为试材,研究了疏散形和开心形在不同时期下的光合特性,冠内光照分布情况,并对两种树形、不同树龄条件下库尔勒香梨果实品质情况进行测定。
The main results were as follows: 1. The growth curves of golden pear showed an "S" shape. 主要研究结果如下:1.黄金梨果实的生长动态曲线为S型。